Celebrating creativity with our #TattieArtChallenge entries from 2023
And the winners are…
Do you remember we set the #TattieArtChallenge? Well, we’re thrilled to announce the winners! Drum Roll please…

We’ll be sending them a 3-month supply of crisps and snacks to enjoy as part of their prize!!
These super-creative youngsters are part of a group called The Beehive, and boy, did they take the potato art challenge and turn it into something out-of-this-world amazing! Well done kids! You won. 🐝🚀🎨🥔
Exploring Potatoes 🥔
Gillie, their teacher, turned the #TattieArtChallenge into a fun filled day that had the whole class taking part in the challenge. Tattie Art Takeover!
Our mini-Picassos embarked on a potato-filled adventure by starting their day with a story. Although they couldn’t find a potato-themed book, they explored the classic tale of “The Enormous Turnip“. That’s cool with us, we have nothing against Turnips.
Getting creative with the #TattieArtChallenge
After story time and a bit of inspiration, the students learned the a classic rhyme about tatties, “One potato, two potato,” and one of the older pupils hand-wrote it as the centrepiece of their artwork. We love that. No better feeling than helping your pals out.
The students then immersed themselves in some ‘potato exploration’, where they discussed the textures, colours, and shapes of various potato varieties. This hands-on experience allowed them to appreciate the diversity found within this humble vegetable. Aye… Potatoes are our hero. Fun fact: They’re cooler than Turnips. 😉
Potato Printing Bees 🐝
One of the most charming aspects of their #TattieArtChallenge artwork was the potato-printed bees. They used a baked potato for the body and new potatoes for the wings, creating adorable and unique potato bees. These flying critters also sported their creators’ faces, making them even more special and personal. Hello Beehive Bee’s 👋👋👋

The Joy of Creativity and Learning 🎨
Gillie went on to explain about how therapeutic this potato adventure was for the students:
“This #TattieArtChallenge project wasn’t just about art; it was a day filled with learning and joy. Within The Beehive, there are children with complex needs who require a high level of support throughout the day. For them, engaging in creative activities like this competition is not only fun but also therapeutic. This creative approach helped meet their sensory needs and provided a unique opportunity for them to express themselves.”
A BIG well done to all at Beehive! 🐝
We hope you enjoyed this heartwarming journey into the world of the #TattieArtChallenge and the incredible stories behind it.
Keep an eye out for more challenges that bring people together through creativity and fun. Thank you to Gillie and everyone involved for sharing this lovely adventure with us. Team Taylors are smiling from ear to ear!
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